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About the Area

Comanche County Memorial Hospital is located in Lawton, Oklahoma and serves a population base of approximately 315,000.

MMG employees enjoy easy access to metropolitan cities while experiencing the convenience of a small town. Lawton provides the best of big city medicine without the commute. Benefits of the Lawton community include:

  • Great public and private schools
  • Arts and entertainment
  • Outdoor adventure opportunities

If you would like to become a part of our devoted and caring team while receiving a comprehensive wage and benefits package that meets the needs of our employees and their families on a personal and individual basis, please call 580.510.7070.

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Want to Learn More? Please contact us by filling out the form.

Current Physician Openings

  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Anesthesia
  • Neurology
  • OB/GYN
  • Neurosurgery
  • General Surgery
  • Gastroenterology

View Current Openings

View Current Physician Openings

MMG employees enjoy the benefits of advanced modern technology in the convenience of a small-town community setting.

Beautiful neighborhoods are within walking distance of Comanche County Memorial Hospital, and most physician practices are located on the hospital campus providing easy access from office to making rounds or the surgery suite. For those who prefer the allure of outdoor adventure, country and lakeside living and the beautiful Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge is within 20 minutes of the front door of the Hospital.

Lawton-Fort Sill

Lawton-Fort Sill Economic Development

Lawton-Fort Sill, Oklahoma is rapidly becoming a world-class business destination and is poised to become a global hub for opportunity. Located here in Comanche County, the Lawton region offers a diverse mix of sites and buildings from Class A-certified industrial parks to our commerce center, we can provide a prime business location. We have a modern infrastructure, a skilled and available workforce, and access to higher education that will provide your business with every opportunity to thrive.

Lawton – Ft. Sill Tourism

Tourism is the third largest industry in Oklahoma and a significant component of our local economy. Lawton Fort Sill attracted 613,000 visitors last year at our local attractions. As an export-oriented industry, tourism brings dollars to the local area from other regions, resulting in sales, jobs, income, and tax revenue.

Lawton-Fort Sill Education

Over the past 10 years, the Lawton Public Schools has produced more National Merit and National Achievement Scholars than any non-metropolitan school district in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma City

Be a part of a city on the rise: Oklahoma City

A renaissance city. A Cinderella story. A transformation that continues. Top-of-mind worldwide, with numbers that work in your favor. This is the new American city: the 21st-century Oklahoma City.